Friday, November 29, 2019
Sullivan Ford Auto World free essay sample
Marketing cars differ from marketing services for those same vehicles. Marketing cars you are selling a tangible product, where the potential customer can do research online and go into a dealership and test drive it. Once the customer has decided which vehicle to purchase, the best price is most important and liking the sales person is only an added benefit. Compared to marketing the services for that same vehicle, it is more important to feel that a customer likes the person or company so that he/she can build a relationship of trust and confidence which leads to a satisfied customer as well as repeated business. Repeat business might be in the form of an oil change, or most costly work that is in or out of warranty. From a consumer perspective, running a car sales and service dealership and managing health care services have many similarities when seeking to attract new customers and keep existing ones happy. We will write a custom essay sample on Sullivan Ford Auto World or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Drawing on Carols experience, handling customer complaints in healthcare or any other industry will provide an opportunity for learning and understanding where improvements may be needed. For patiences to stay in the same long-term care facility would require them receiving proper care and an environment of trust, comfort and satisfaction. This is similar to running a car sales and service dealership, because of the building trust and relationship that would motivate customers to come back for regular maintenance, major repairs as well as repeat purchases. Marketing cars differ from marketing services for those same vehicles. Marketing cars you are selling a tangible product, where the potential customer can do research online and go into a dealership and test drive it. Once the customer has decided which vehicle to purchase, the best price is most important and liking the sales person is only an added benefit. Compared to marketing the services for that same vehicle, it is more important to feel that a customer likes the person or company so that he/she can build a relationship of trust and confidence which leads to a satisfied customer as well as repeated business. Repeat business might be in the form of an oil change, or most costly work that is in or out of warranty. From a consumer perspective, running a car sales and service dealership and managing health care services have many similarities when seeking to attract new customers and keep existing ones happy. Drawing on Carols experience, handling customer complaints in healthcare or any other industry will provide an opportunity for learning and understanding where improvements may be needed. For patiences to stay in the same long-term care facility would require them receiving proper care and an environment of trust, comfort and satisfaction. This is similar to running a car sales and service dealership, because of the building trust and relationship that would motivate customers to come back for regular maintenance, major repairs as well as repeat purchases. 1. Marketing cars differ from marketing services for those same vehicles. Marketing cars you are selling a tangible product, where the potential customer can do research online and go into a dealership and test drive it. Once the customer has decided which vehicle to purchase, the best price is most important and liking the sales person is only an added benefit. Compared to marketing the services for that same vehicle, it is more important to feel that a customer likes the person or company so that he/she can build a relationship of trust and confidence which leads to a satisfied customer as well as repeated business. Repeat business might be in the form of an oil change, or most costly work that is in or out of warranty. 3. From a consumer perspective, running a car sales and service dealership and managing health care services have many similarities when seeking to attract new customers and keep existing ones happy. Drawing on Carols experience, handling customer complaints in healthcare or any other industry will provide an opportunity for learning and understanding where improvements may be needed. For patiences to stay in the same long-term care facility would require them receiving proper care and an environment of trust, comfort and satisfaction. This is similar to running a car sales and service dealership, because of the building trust and relationship that would motivate customers to come back for regular maintenance, major repairs as well as repeat purchases.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Cross Cultural Understanding Essays
Cross Cultural Understanding Essays Cross Cultural Understanding Essay Cross Cultural Understanding Essay The first civilization that would be considered as a client for this paper is a minority civilization of Asiatic Americans in the United States. Statistically. Asian-Americans compose the 4th largest cultural group in America. However. their cultural group is significantly far from the 3rd one which are the Latin American occupants of the state. Besides. an of import point to understand for the Asian-American civilization in the United States is that although they are American citizens and are classified under Asiatic descent. their cultural group and contents as many states belong to Asia such as Chinese. Indian. Vietnamese. Koreans. Nipponese ( Zhang. Snowden. A ; Sue. 1998 ) . However. late. although there has been a steady inflow of Asiatic subjects who have migrated to the United States in order to happen work. household. or any other intent. there is besides a class within the Asian-American community - those who have been descendants of Asians in the state. However. at least for this paper. those two subcategories of Asian-American shall be considered together. For this minority cultural group. we shall near to the treatment from the point of position of Jessica. Jessica is a Filipino who has migrated to the United States five old ages ago and whose current business is a family domestic assistant for a middle-class household in the state. Like many other Filipinos - in fact like many other Asians who have migrated to the United States. although their cultural beliefs have been associated by many people in the state to be either Buddhist. endowments. or any one of the far Eastern faiths. Jessica is really a Roman Catholic. Bing a Roman Catholic. she has the responsibilities and duties of traveling to Mass every Sunday and beliefs any many of the instructions of the Roman Catholic Church. although some of the beliefs are culturally different from Roman Catholics in the United States because of her Filipino roots. Besides. she was educated up to freshman college in our community back in the Philippines and is a female parent of three kids who have stayed back in the state and who. at least harmonizing to her. she wants to migrate to America over the following old ages if her nest eggs from her current business of every bit. Her hubby is besides endorsing her place state. Having highly powerful household values. her girl - the firstborn of her kids - his program to travel to the United States early following twelvemonth to get down analyzing here as a scholarship that has been granted to her by the local Filipino community and support group. Jessica. being a occupant of the United States and belong to any minority cultural community in the state. is of class entitled to have societal support as is recommended. documented. and legislated by that countryââ¬â¢s authorities ( Brown A ; James. 2000 ) . However. this is non the lone ground why Jessica is having societal services. The fact that she belongs to a minority cultural community in the United States reflects that she is an person is gimping in a different cultural background than what she had been used to endorse in her place state. In fact. back in the Philippines. populating far from the urban city and in the rural countries of the state. Jessica. whenever she feels an complaint. does non instantly travel to the local infirmary non merely because of the certain disbursals that are required in order to have medical intervention. but besides because of the long-standing cultural belief that before any medical aid and assistance is taken and listed by citizens. the first individual that one approaches is the local therapists of the community ( Monzon. 1995 ) . Therefore. here. life in the United States. Jessica all of a sudden finds herself in state of affairss where he and if she has medical complaints. jobs. or even minor conditions - something which is normally felt particularly when in the industry of domestic and household work - she does non acknowledge that she is entitled to assorted medical rights as she is a taxpayer of the state. And because of the deficiency of the local therapists of the local occupants in the United States. Jessica merely seeks medical attending when the complaint that she feels ranges an intolerable province. If Jessica was back in the Philippines. although she would hold surely received societal public assistance and societal work services. she would hold had local support and be familiar with the system of medical intervention in our state. However. now. being the United States. her job is that such medical attending is dashing particularly for a migratory worker in the state who knows that her income in wage is comparatively low compared to other citizens ( Huang A ; Yeoh. 1996 ) . The handiness of societal work non merely for medical entree but besides for information sing what the snake pit services of the state can offer becomes indispensable in her instance and the many other domestic assistants that belong to Asian-American communities in the state. The 2nd individual that we take into consideration is an person named Lucas. Lucas. nevertheless. is non the existent name of the client for grounds that shall be apparent. Lucas belongs to a cultural bulk in the United States - African-Americans - who have integrated themselves from household. to environment. civilization. and even to work. in greater tube polyps and countries in the United States today. Lucas is 24 old ages old and works in an advertisement bureau in one of the many public dealingss groups in the metropolis. Besides. he is individual and populating individually from his household with an income that current income brackets would sort as under the middle-class. He has received a university instruction from one of the local province colleges and is be aftering on taking up a Masters degree in news media for public communicating in the following two old ages. Besides. Lucas is a Baptist Christian and belongs to a tightknit community of households that pattern the religion. However. non known to his household members and as he has merely revealed to a few people. Lucas is homosexual and has known this for rather some clip. He on a regular basis undergoes sexual brushs with work forces in and around his age belonging to all sorts of races and civilizations. Recently. Lucas. upon having medical medical examination and blood trial - every bit good as an advice from one of his sexual spouses - as discovered that he has the HIV virus and that his CD4 count is already below 300. The CD4 count is a index of the figure of white blood cells a individual has. A individual without HIV or does non hold any immune system jobs will normally hold 700 to 1000 CD4 count in their blood. Even persons who have contracted HIV virus do non needfully hold to take medicine every bit long as they are CD4 count remains above 300 ( Solomon et al. . 1998 ) . However. one time this figure is breached. certain doses of medicine have to be taken every twenty-four hours at a certain clip without losing a individual dosage in order to guarantee endurance from the disease. In fact. unbeknownst to Lucas or many other persons who have contracted HIV virus and have been tested. and single with HIV could last up to the normal lifetime of human existences given that they either take their medical specialty every twenty-four hours in on a regular basis without losing a individual dosage or sing proper leading to maintain their immune system up if their white blood cell counts have non yet gone below 300 ( Veazey A ; Lackner. 2004 ) . However. because of the negative convention of HIV. many people do non notice. Furthermore. the medicine for HIV-positive persons are highly expensive ( Kalichman et Al. . 2000 ) . It is up to societal workers to inform persons such as Lucas that the medicines required to contend off the HIV virus and to keep proper immune system in order to populate a full healthy life is really free and provided by the wellness services of the local and national authorities without any charge. In fact. as of late. any person who has contracted HIV virus and started the medicine that is provided by the authorities have non experienced deceases over five old ages because of its efficiency ( Cole. Kemeny. A ; Taylor. 1997 ) . The lone job with HIV is that persons do non cognize either if itââ¬â¢s lifelessly effects. its jobs of transmittal. or the fact that medical specialty is distributed freely by the authorities is one time tested this positive. Lucas had merely known of this fact when he had received information and aid from societal workers and the system of wellness benefits for HIV-positive persons together with societal work scenarios are kept in complete namelessness particularly sing the fact that Lucas belongs to a spiritual religious order of Christianity that condone such actions ( Nelson. Rosenfeld. Breitbart. A ; Galietta. 2002 ) . I. on the other manus. am a 28-year-old heterosexual female and have been raised in the state. although treatments with parents and relations have revealed that I have some Italian and Native American roots. Besides. I am profoundly spiritual and believe in big households. every bit good as a house truster that sex should merely be undergone after matrimony as it stopped by the Catholic faith that I fierily pattern. As a societal worker. it is really indispensable to understand - particularly sing the two clients that have already been mentioned earlier in this paper - of the assorted contexts they are coming from. In fact. one of the most debatable attack is particularly in societal work is if we have societal workers instantly instigate judgement upon persons. These two individualities. although significantly different from each other and even significantly different from my ain. necessitate self-contemplation and interface because it is merely through understanding their local societal and cultural context would I be able to understand the manner they think and hence besides be able to explicate programs on how to assist these persons and even be able to assist other in the commissariats who belong to the same societal and cultural bulk or minority in the hereafter. For illustration. in the instance of Jessica. possibly it may non be logical for me as a American citizens understand why she doesnââ¬â¢t travel to healthcare installations instantly when she feels hurting and parts of her organic structure. but so realized that her cultural position is that from the Philippines and a little room small town community where elements normally go off or if they donââ¬â¢t. are addressed by local medical specialties and she looks. However. unbeknownst to these persons is that some diseases - like the 1s that have been experienced by Lucas - could merely be seen after comparative medical scrutinies and trials have been performed by research installations and infirmaries which look specifically for marks. symptoms. and complaints as a consequence of old ages of survey by medical professionals in their Fieldss ( Woloschuk A ; Tarrant. 2002 ) . Besides. as another illustration. from the point of position of Lucas. being raised as a Christian Baptist instantly raises a job in the issue of homosexualism - much more the issue of holding contracted HIV because of his many experiences and sexual brushs. Possibly. from my point of position. it would hold been unlogical for him non to seek intervention instantly. However. what I must retrieve once more is that from his cultural point of position and position - particularly from the position of faith and household - being a homophile is a wickedness non merely to local household members but even to his destiny as good - much more undertaking the deathly HIV virus. As a societal worker. even though I believe that sex should merely be done after matrimony and done in full fidelity to your spouse. if I truly wanted to assist Lucas. I would non present this judgement merely because of my ain cultural Mormon position but instead understand it from his point of position and realized that wellness. among others. must trump the cards from the position of my responsibility as a societal worker. Mentions: Brown. D. E. . A ; James. G. D. ( 2000 ) . Physiological emphasis responses in Filipino-American immigrant nurses: the effects of abode clip. life-style. and occupation strain ( Vol. 62. pp. 394ââ¬â400 ) . Am Psychosomatic Soc. Cole. S. W. . Kemeny. M. E. . A ; Taylor. S. E. ( 1997 ) . Social individuality and physical wellness: accelerated HIV patterned advance in rejection-sensitive homosexual work forces. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 72 ( 2 ) . 320. Huang. S. . A ; Yeoh. B. S. ( 1996 ) . Neckties that bind: province policy and migratory female domestic assistants in Singapore. Geoforum. 27 ( 4 ) . 479ââ¬â493. Kalichman. S. C. . Benotsch. E. . Suarez. T. . Catz. S. . Miller. J. . A ; Rompa. D. ( 2000 ) . Health literacy and health-related cognition among individuals populating with HIV/AIDS. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 18 ( 4 ) . 325ââ¬â331. Monzon. R. B. ( 1995 ) . Traditional medical specialty in the intervention of parasitic diseases in the Philippines. Southeast Asiatic diary of tropical medical specialty and public wellness. 26 ( 3 ) . 421ââ¬â428. Nelson. C. J. . Rosenfeld. B. J. . Breitbart. W. . A ; Galietta. M. ( 2002 ) . Spirituality. faith. and depression in the terminally sick ( Vol. 43. pp. 213ââ¬â220 ) . Acad Psychosom Med. Solomon. L. . Stein. M. . Flynn. C. . Schuman. P. . Schoenbaum. E. . Moore. J. . et Al. ( 1998 ) . Health services usage by urban adult females with or at hazard for HIV-1 infection: the HIV Epidemiology Research Study ( HERS ) . Journal of acquired immune lack syndromes and human retrovirology: official publication of the International Retrovirology Association. 17 ( 3 ) . 253. Veazey. R. S. . A ; Lackner. A. A. ( 2004 ) . Geting to the backbones of HIV pathogenesis ( Vol. 200. pp. 697ââ¬â700 ) . The Rockefeller University Press. Woloschuk. W. . A ; Tarrant. M. ( 2002 ) . Does a rural educational experience influence studentsââ¬â¢ likeliness of rural pattern? Impact of pupil background and gender. Journal of Rural Health. 18 ( 4 ) . 492. Zhang. A. Y. . Snowden. L. R. . A ; Sue. S. ( 1998 ) . Differences between Asiatic and White Americansââ¬â¢ aid seeking and use forms in the Los Angeles country. Journal of Community Psychology. 26 ( 4 ) .
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Controversy in Sport Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Controversy in Sport Management - Assignment Example student has the skills to play for a team in division me then the student should receive a scholarship to go to that school free, or for however much the scholarship costs. The National College Athletic Association believes offering free scholarships is payment enough for the student athletes, and should suffice for the players offering their services to generate revenue for their school. The school provides free education to these student athletes and offers the first recruiting platform for professional sports like the National Football League (NFL) and National Basketball Association (NBA) (Hawkins, 2010). Even with all of this, there is no way the National College Athletic Association can put up a big fight contrary to paying its student athletes if football and basketball are the only sports played in college. Division I football and basketball produce most of the revenue numbers and are the only sports that are profitable. It is difficult to allow a football and basketball player to receive payment but it is tougher for all other sports; including division II and III to get on the pay list (Zimbalist, 2006). On the contrary, players have just as much reason to think they need payment. The National College Athletic Association division I football generates about 12 billion dollars internationally in a year. This is like taking the top films of the last 10 years, combining them, and not paying the movie stars even a single penny. The National College Athletic Association basketball March Madness competition makes $760 million (Hawkins, 2010). Most of the players argue that they are more than just student athletes are. Watch ESPN a television program on Tuesday night and one can see that a basketball team from California is playing in Florida. Hockey teams from Alaska travel to away events for two weekends in a row without resting. They depart on a Tuesday and return on a Sunday the following week. Travelling and playing makes these student athletes to miss
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Summary and Impact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Summary and Impact - Essay Example The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) doubts the claim that e-cigarettes are safe because vapor and smoke are harmful regardless of the way they are consumed. E-cigarettes are new to people; it is the reason why they are treated with interest and attention. I see many people who smoke e-cigarettes during the day. They are massively promoted as a healthy alternative which is 100% safe for people. This study shows that these promiscuous results have not been confirmed yet. After reading this article I believe that e-cigarettes are not as healthy as they are advertised. The only healthy alternative to smoking presupposes that people quit this bad habit forever. If any of my friends decide to try e-cigarettes in order to reduce tobacco consumption, I would warn them that there are no studies to check long-term outcomes or side effects related to this innovation. ââ¬Å"E-Cigarettes: Not a Healthy Alternative to Smokingâ⬠. Biology News Net. May 27, 2014. Web. May 28, 2014.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Free Will. What is Free Will and do we have it Essay
Free Will. What is Free Will and do we have it - Essay Example If one chooses to rob the bank, then he or she should be ready to take the responsibility for the action. These actions are in one way or the other is determined by free will. This paper will discuss free will, determinism and compatibilism. It will also depict whether or not we have free will. Free will is also a philosophical term used to choose an action to various alternatives. When one act in a way that depicts free will, one satisfies metaphysical requirements by being responsible for your own action, whereby there are also alternatives to oneââ¬â¢s action and moral significance. Free will significance is not exhausted by its moral responsibility, but a condition of oneââ¬â¢s accomplishments, dignity of persons and value, all accumulates to free will (Campbell 65). Determinism is where the facts about the past in the law of nature have the truth about the future. So given the past having the law of nature, only one future is possible at any one time. Those who say free wi ll is a freedom from determinism make themà incompatibilist. Those who say free will is without reference of determinism automatically qualify them asà compatibilists. Compatibilism is not merely the claim that some events (e.g. actions) are free, and some events are determined. This is consistent with indeterminism. Rather, compatibilism is the stronger thesis that the very same act may be both free and fully determined. Incompatibilism is the denial of compatibilism. Compatibilism, incompatibilism, and free will skepticism come in various forms. Hard determinists are incompatibilists who endorse determinism but deny the free will thesis, so they are also free will skeptics. Libertarians are incompatibilists who deny determinism and endorse the free will thesis. Soft determinists are compatibilists who accept both determinism and the free will thesis. Developments in physics, specifically in quantum mechanics, have led many to reject determinism, so examples of soft and hard de terminism are rare though not impossible. A better classification of the three main contemporary views is libertarianism, compatibilism, and free will skepticism (Campbell, 127). Philosophers look at the freedom of will and freedom of action because one's success depends on factors beyond one's control, and there are external constraints on options we undertake whichà is not one'sà responsibility. As a conceptual matter, free will depicts a subset of willing, but not all philosophers accept that. According to Campbell, freedom of will is by its nature and never constrained (Campbell 121). Majority of people view a will as not free indeed debates about it centers on if human beings has it. The main threats to freedom of will become evident on physical, psychological, biological and theological determinants. For every determinism, there are philosophers who deny reality on either independent grounds or free will, there those who accept reality and deny its compatibility with free will or argue its compatibility. In actual sense, free will has many dimensions; it can be a choice on oneââ¬â¢s desire in that it can be selected as a way of fulfilling desire. According to the will Joseph Campbell defines liberty as ââ¬Å"power of acting or not actingâ⬠. Free will relates to desires and values, which include the ability to judge what is worth pursuing, and evaluating them though satisfying them can be hard for us. We act with free will when we consider the judgment this may seem restrictive because many people are held responsible for their actions. There are two theories of free will that rely on possible actions; there are people who get motivated to choose to act by desires and secondly a personââ¬â¢
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Systemic-Functional Grammar
Systemic-Functional Grammar News is a special approach to report or comment the latest and important facts. Its purpose is to influence the Mass Public Opinion. The definition of the news demonstrates that news is the fact, different from the fabrication of literature. Besides the general characteristics of news, broadcasting news has its own distinct features. This paper analyzes the English broadcasting news from the choice of the process types and the transitivity of the clause by using the transitivity theory for the purpose of discovering the distribution law of the process types of the English broadcasting news text and its genre characteristicsï ¼Å½ Introduction In the 1960s, Halliday, the Professor of linguistics, developed a systematic and comprehensive theory of language, called ââ¬Å"Systemic-Functional Grammar (SFG)â⬠, and published his book An Introduction to Functional Grammar in 1985 and 1994. Many scholars also published a number of books and papers on systemic grammar. The research of Systemic Functional Grammar began in 1970s and became popular in the late 1980s. In Hallidays book An Introduction to Functional Grammar, he says ââ¬Å"the theory on which this description is based, systemic theory follows in the European functional tradition. It is largely based on Firths system-structure theory, but derives more abstract principles from Hjelmslev and owes many ideas to Prague School. The organizing concept is that of the ââ¬Å"systemâ⬠, which is used essentially in Firths sense of a functional Paradigm but developed into the formal construct of a ââ¬Ësystem network.â⬠(Halliday, 2000:52) SFG has two components: systemic grammar and functional grammar. In Hu Zhuanglins book Linguistics. A course Book, he holds that ââ¬Å"Systemic grammar aims to explain the internal relations in language as a system network, or meaning potential. And this network consists of subsystem from which language users make choices. Functional grammar aims to reveal that language is a means of social interaction, based on the position that language system and the forms that make it up are inescapably determined by the uses or functions which they serve.â⬠(Hu Zhuanglin 2001:409) ââ¬Å"In a functional grammar, on the other hand, the direction is reversed. A language is interpreted as a System of meanings can be realized.â⬠Halliday(1985) ââ¬Å"Functional Grammar aims to reveal that language is a mean of social interaction, based on the position that language system and the forms that make it up are inescapably determined by the uses or functions which they serve.â⬠Hu Zhuanglin(2001) The functions of language are the most important things in Functional Grammar. As the tool of human beings communication, language possesses many different kinds of functions. Halliday divided the functions of language into three types. They are ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and textual metafunction. In this paper, the emphasis is on ideational metafunction. The ideational metafunction is to organize the speaker or writers experience of the real or imaginary world. It includes experiential function and logical function. The meaning of experiential function is that language expresses peoples experiences in external world (things, events qualities, etc) and internal world (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc). What logical function refers to is that language expresses the logical relationship between two or more than two meaning units. Experiential function is chiefly embodied by transitivity and voice. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Parallel with its evolution in the function of mood, expressing the active, interpersonal aspect of meaning, the clause evolved simultaneously in another grammatical function expressing the reflective, experiential aspect of meaning. This later is the system of transitivity. Transitivity specifies the different types of process that are recognized in the language, and the structures by which they are expressed.â⬠(Halliday,1985) Transitivity is a semantic system. Its purpose is to divide something around people into several processes involving participants and circumstantial elements. Halliday contents that transitivity includes six processes: (a) Material process. (b) Mental process. (c) Relational process. (d) Behavioral process. (e) Verbal process. (f) Existential process. (a) Material Process: process of doing Material process is a process of doing. The process usually consists of verb, actor (logical subject) and goal (noun or pronoun). Material Processes express the notion that some entity ââ¬Ëdoes something- which may be done ââ¬Ëto some other entity (Halliday, 1985) For example, A fungus destroyed the coffee plant leaves Actor Process Goal (b) Mental Process: process of thinking Mental process is a process of thinking involving perception (see, look), reaction (like, fear) and cognition (knowing, believing, and understanding) and so on. Mental process has two participants: sensor and phenomenon. Sensor refers to the person who perceives and phenomenon is the something that is perceived by the sensor. Phenomenon includes concrete person or objects, abstract things, happened events and so on. For example, He saw the whole room. Sensor Process Phenomenon (c) Relational Process: process of being Relational process is a process of being. Actually, relational process is a very complex type of process, which covers the many different ways that ââ¬Ëbeing is expressed (Eggins 1994). However, in this analysis, we only refer two simple types, they are attributive process and identifying process. In the attributive process, the participants are attribute and carrier. For example, Her face was a bloated spotty mask. Carrier Process Attribute In the identifying process, the participants are identified and identifier. This car is hers. Identified Process Identifier (d) Behavioral Process: process of behaving Behavioral process is a process of behaving, such as breathe, dream, smile, laugh, cry, and cough. The basic components of the process are ââ¬Å"behaverâ⬠and ââ¬Å"processâ⬠. This point is similar to the mental process, but different from the material process. Bloor and Bloor (1995) described behavioral process as the grey area between Material and Mental processes. She cried loudly. Behaver Process Circumstantial (e) Verbal Process: process of saying Verbal process is a process of saying. ââ¬Å"Sayingâ⬠has to be interpreted in a rather broad sense; it covers any kind of symbolic exchange of meaning. The verbal words are ââ¬Å"tell, say, talk, describe, boast, praiseâ⬠. The verbalization itself is called the verbiage. The informants told the police everything Sayer Process Receiver Verbiage (f) Existential Process: process of existing Existential process is a process of existing. In every existential process, it must have an ââ¬Å"Existentâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Thereâ⬠has no representational function. There are ten of us in the party. Process Existent Circumstance Generally speaking, most of the processes representing descriptive meaning are the relational, existential process and the mental processes. However, most of the processes representing narrative meaning are material processes. ââ¬Å"Voice is the ways in which a language expresses the relationship between a verb and the noun phrases which are associated with it. Two sentences can differ in voice and yet have the same basic meaning. However, there may be a change in emphasis and one type of sentence may be more appropriate.â⬠(Jack C.Richards, John Platt and Heidi Platt, 2000) It is represented commonly by active voice and passive voice. In order to make the structure of the text reasonable and the context consistent, speakers or writers need to do an appropriate choice to the voice. Approach to Analyze the Text According to Huang Guowen, SFG is more suitable for analyzing a text. The reasons for it lie below. First, SFG is a text grammar, which means this kind of grammar can describe how the use of language. In this way, the meaning of the text can be understood clearly. Second, in SFG, functions of language are divided into three metafunction. The description of the systemic network of the three metafunction is quite clear. Thus, the application of the framework of SFG to analyze a text can avoid evaluating at will. Choice of Text The text chosen for analysis is from BBC Broadcasting news on its website on Thursday, 2 July, 2009. This news report can be heard in the air and its transcription is on BBC website after the reporter made an interview with Alain Bouillard, of Frances BEA accident investigation agency. This news is written in English originally, so when I picked it up, I made no translation. Whats more, this piece of news is completely authentic in that it is not edited or used for the purpose of language teaching. Context of Situation Definition of context: It is immediate environment of language activity, which is time, place, talking content, the relation among people related to transfer communicational meanings. Halliday and Hasan (1985) divided context of situation into three parts: field, tenor and mode. (a) Field refers to what is being talked about, what is it that the participants are engaged in, in which the language s as some essential components. This chosen news report is talking about the result of investigation of the France air crash. Most of the contents are from an officer, in this way, the media wants to give the public an authoritative explanation of the investigation process. (b) Tenor refers to the people involved in the communication and the relationship between them. What kinds of role relationships obtain among the participants, including permanent and temporary relationships of one kind or another, both the types of speech role that they are taking on in the dialogue and the whole cluster of socially significant relationships in which they refer to. Here the participants are the news writers or editors and the listeners of the radio or visitors or ââ¬Ëreaders of the websites. (c) Mode refers to how the language is functioning in the interaction, e.g. whether it is written or spoken. As for the chosen news report, its main purpose is to read to the listeners. Therefore, the language usage is rather simple and oral, which is to reduce the burden of listeners. Text Air France jet broke on impact Brazilian military personnel retrieve part of the Air France plane from the Atlantic Ocean (08 June 2009) Search teams recovered 51 bodies from the crash area ââ French investigators trying to find out why an Air France plane crashed in the Atlantic say they believe it broke up on contact with water, not in the air. â⠡They also found that the planes speed sensors had been a factor but not the cause of the crash. â⠢All 228 people on the plane were killed when it plunged into the ocean en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris on 1 June. â⠣Teams looking for the planes flight data recorders will continue operations for another 10 days. â⠤Alain Bouillard, of Frances BEA accident investigation agency, said the crash had been an extremely difficult one to understand. â⠥Between the surface of the water and 35,000ft [10,700m], we dont know what happened, Mr Bouillard said. â⠦In the absence of the flight recorders, it is extremely difficult to draw conclusions. Table 2 Type of Transitivity Material Mental Relational Verbal Behavioral Existential Total 3 0 1 3 0 0 Percentage 43% 0 14% 43% 0 0 In the news above, the most processes are verbal and material process, and with only one relational process and zero existential, behavior and mental process. Generally speaking, a certain text usually contains many different kinds of transitivity process, especially material process. Hu Zhuanglin contents that people living in a material world, ââ¬Ëdoormake is the primary and basis, only with this can human beings hold other physiological feature to proceed other process. In this piece of news, material process takes up 43%, which is quite high in total. According to Halliday, What experiential function is that language expresses peoples experiences in external world (things, events qualities, etc) and internal world (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc). News is the record of the fact, is the response to the fact. News without fact is not news, news without fact or truth cannot be good news. The theory of the news writing is objectively reporting and speaking with the fact. In this news, material process takes up such a high proportion, which is just right to obey the rules that news is due to truth or fact. However, one certain process occurs more frequently is one of the factors to form the feature of a text. Halliday classes the Process Material, Mental and Relational as major process and the others as minor. The verbal process that originally belongs to the less important process in this news takes up 43%, which is the highest of all. Verbal process is a process of saying; the saying is to exchange information. Broadcasting news as a tool of media has a responsibility to transmit information to the public. It is not difficult to find out that the transitivity process of this piece of news lays particular stress on verbal process. According to other statistics I find out in another 10 pieces of BBC news show that verbal process occurs quite high in broadcasting texts. In the total 172 sentences, there are 56 verbal process, occupying 32%, only a little lower than material process. In some certain broadcasting news (such as above), verbal process equals even overruns material process. To some extent, the distribution of transitivity of discourse has a regular discipline. Whats more, the discipline has something to do with the genre of the discourse. Now we will have a further study of the news above. There are seven sentences in the news, and they are divided into separated process, each sentence and its belonging process is in the tables below. ââ Verbal Process French investigators trying to find out why an Air France plane crashed in the Atlantic say they believe it broke up on contact with water, not in the air Sayer Process Verbiage â⠡Material process They also found that the planes speed sensors had been a factor but not the cause of the crash. Actor Process Goal â⠢Material Process All 228 people on the plane were killed when it plunged into the ocean en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris on 1 June Goal Process Circumstance â⠣ (Material Process) Teams looking for the planes flight data recorders will continue Operations for another 10 days Actor Process Goal Circumstance â⠤ (Verbal Process) Alain Bouillard, of Frances BEA accident investigation agency said the crash had been an extremely difficult one to understand. Sayer Process Reported â⠥ (Verbal Process) ââ¬Å"Between the surface of the water and 35,000ft [10,700m], we dont know what happenedâ⬠Mr. Bouillard Said Reported Sayer Process â⠦ (Relational Process) In the absence of the flight recorders it Is extremely difficult to draw conclusions Circumstance Identified Process Identifier In the news above, there are four sentences involved in verbal process. The first one as a headline lays essential place in the whole passage. Headline is a conclusion and extract of the main event. In a news report, choosing the words from an authority that responsible for the investigation of the accident is absolutely the best choice. In fact, so did the writer do. Then, to report the process of the investigation, the writer chose to use material process in that Material Process is to narrate the real world. In the second and the forth Material Process sentences, the French investigators (referred to ââ¬ËThey and ââ¬Ëthe team in the news) are main participants. They found, they continue operations, the using the investigators to be the main participants in the continuous two material process , on one hand can make sure of the continuity of the news report, on the other hand, this news report is mainly to report the situations and opinions from investigators. In this way, pu t the words from the investigators in an essential place can illustrate the most important content of the news in front of the listeners, which is the main responsibility of a successful news report. In the second material process, the writer chose the passive voice to emphasize the victims of this accident. In this material process, these 228 people on the plane had no hope to be survived. When listening to here, we have realized something about the result of the rescue activity. Then the Material Process is finished, and led to Verbal Process. In the following 2 Verbal Materials, the contents of the speech are all from Mr. Bouillard, who is from Frances BEA accident investigation agency. By his words, the writer told the readers that the reason for the airplane accident was still unsolved and it could be a difficult task to find out clearly. The writer chose to quote the words from the investigation agency is to make sure the reliability and the depth of the news report. Whats mor e, it also can tell readers the resource of the news report, which is from the authority. Mr Bouillard, he is an officer from BEA accident investigation agency, is the direct participant of the whole survey, in that way, he could hold one-hand results of the whole search. In most cases, when an accident happens or a research being preceded, a news reporter may not be involved directly or witness at spot. Most of the report resources are due to interview afterwards. If we can contact the direct participants or the direct researchers in a research such as in this case, it will make a more vivid atmosphere for listeners or readers, and adding the reliability as well. News reports usually get the aid from the participants, the witness of the event or the people from authorities to give a hint or proclaim the resource of the news. Nevertheless, we could also see that in a news report there exists report from a reporter, which in another way explains the reason why there are more verbal processes in a news report. We can have a further look of the verbal material 1,5,7. In these three verbal material, the writer chose say, said, said, all of which are variations from say. They are very simple and oral. This is because in a broadcasting news report, the main method is to make audience listen. Broadcasting should transmit the most information in a limited period of time, so that the words chosen from broadcasting news report should be simple and near to daily life, avoiding adding burden to listeners. In fact, in this broadcasting news report, the sentence structure used are quite simple, the words chosen are rather succinct, and without many complex clauses. When it comes to the tenses used in this news report, we can find out there are not any complex tenses, just simple past and simple in turn. In the whole news report, the material process states the main fact, and the verbal process proclaims the resource of the news, and to move forward to supply and illustrate the main event. In this news report, the material process and the verbal process occur in turn, and hold different duties each other. The structure of this news report makes it active and filled with variations. The words from the authority from different ways can explain the reason why they still cannot find out the reason for the airplane accident immediately. In a word, it is a successful news report to tell audience the process of the investigation of the air crush. Conclusion In this paper, Hallidays transitivity theory and the types of transitivity have been used to analyze a piece of news report from BBC. It is found that there is a distribution law of the process types in the English broadcasting news text; Verbal Process is one of the features that form the news text. It is also illustrated that broadcasting news has its own characteristics; such as the tendency to be oral, most of sentences are short, the roughly narration that can be easy to read aloud, etc. This analysis proves that the application of functional grammar in discourse analysis is practical and operable. By the transitivity theory to analysis a discourse, it can help to seize the essence and features of a text. In addition, it can also promote to understand the connotation of a discourse. Bibliography Bloor. T and M. Bloor. 1995. The Functional Analysis of English: A Hallidayan Approach. London: Arnold Eggins, S. 1994. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Pinter Publishers Halliday, M.A.K. and R. Hasan. 1976. Cohesion in English. London: Longman. Halliday M.A.K. 1985. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold. Halliday,M.K.A. 2000 An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Hu Zhuanglin 2001 Linguistics, A course Book Beijing: Beijing University Huang Guowen 2002 Discourse and Language Functions Beijing: FLTRP Thompson, G. 1996. Introducing Functional Grammar. London: Arnold
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Urging Educators to Accept the Internet as a Valuable Research Tool for Students :: Teaching Education
Urging Educators to Accept the Internet as a Valuable Research Tool for Students On the evolutionary scale of importance, minnows occupy a seemingly menial state: they are small, they are unimposing, they are relatively slow, and they are inept. In the face of danger from larger and more physically dominant fish, minnows flee. When a fishermanââ¬â¢s net scoops them from their environment, they are defenseless. Even as the fisherman grasps a minnowââ¬â¢s meek body, and plunges a hook into its back, the best a minnow can do is stare vacantly. Despite these ostensibly inauspicious characteristics, however, minnows do possess some value. If they are physically adept, and fortunate enough to not succumb to the aforementioned hazards, they develop into larger fish, which are capable of avoiding the more mundane dangers of their environment. Still, a minnow would not be the ideal choice for a fresh body if one exalted the forces of reincarnation. Plus, in our secularized state, most creatures do not admonish the minnow as a divine creature worthy of respect. Humans especially do not lavish the minnow with attention: not in art, not in literature, nor in religious lore. After all, images of Moby Minnow eluding an enraged Ahab would probably not wet the tastes of dilettantes or casual readers of literature. Yet, all kidding aside, the minnow evokes a fabulous metaphor for educators imploring their students to learn. Although teachers by no means ââ¬Å"hookâ⬠students and use them for ââ¬Å"bait,â⬠they do have the ability to educate their students about the dangers of the real world. Physical dangers, albeit different from the perils faced by minnows, do pose threats to students in obtrusive and visible forms: alcohol abuse, drug abuse, peer pressure, and violence amongst other things. To exacerbate matters more, some of these dangers overlap each other, which makes the job of adult intervention even more irksome and problematic. Moreover, another danger exists for students: the Internet. Suddenly red flags and whaling klaxons emerge in the minds of some readers! This paper does not purport to advocate a fundamental rationale for adolescent Internet use; nor does this paper unleash philippics about the immoral decadence attributed to the Internet. Urging Educators to Accept the Internet as a Valuable Research Tool for Students :: Teaching Education Urging Educators to Accept the Internet as a Valuable Research Tool for Students On the evolutionary scale of importance, minnows occupy a seemingly menial state: they are small, they are unimposing, they are relatively slow, and they are inept. In the face of danger from larger and more physically dominant fish, minnows flee. When a fishermanââ¬â¢s net scoops them from their environment, they are defenseless. Even as the fisherman grasps a minnowââ¬â¢s meek body, and plunges a hook into its back, the best a minnow can do is stare vacantly. Despite these ostensibly inauspicious characteristics, however, minnows do possess some value. If they are physically adept, and fortunate enough to not succumb to the aforementioned hazards, they develop into larger fish, which are capable of avoiding the more mundane dangers of their environment. Still, a minnow would not be the ideal choice for a fresh body if one exalted the forces of reincarnation. Plus, in our secularized state, most creatures do not admonish the minnow as a divine creature worthy of respect. Humans especially do not lavish the minnow with attention: not in art, not in literature, nor in religious lore. After all, images of Moby Minnow eluding an enraged Ahab would probably not wet the tastes of dilettantes or casual readers of literature. Yet, all kidding aside, the minnow evokes a fabulous metaphor for educators imploring their students to learn. Although teachers by no means ââ¬Å"hookâ⬠students and use them for ââ¬Å"bait,â⬠they do have the ability to educate their students about the dangers of the real world. Physical dangers, albeit different from the perils faced by minnows, do pose threats to students in obtrusive and visible forms: alcohol abuse, drug abuse, peer pressure, and violence amongst other things. To exacerbate matters more, some of these dangers overlap each other, which makes the job of adult intervention even more irksome and problematic. Moreover, another danger exists for students: the Internet. Suddenly red flags and whaling klaxons emerge in the minds of some readers! This paper does not purport to advocate a fundamental rationale for adolescent Internet use; nor does this paper unleash philippics about the immoral decadence attributed to the Internet.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Jean-Paul Sartre Essay
As we grow and become an adult that is able to form our own opinion is almost like a rite of passage because reading over the six steps almost seems like I have been a part of each step at some point in my life. When I was growing up I think relating to Stage 1: The Punishment and Obedience Orientation was definitely part of my life. Of course we donââ¬â¢t want to get in trouble as kids so generally we recognize that the authority will provide a severe enough punishment that will stop us from doing whatever we did again. I put myself at Stage 4: The ââ¬Å"Law and Orderâ⬠Orientation. Before I returned to college I wanted to join the San Antonio Police Department and I almost made it. I was excused from the application process at the third stage of the process because of 1 question. I have been in favor of law enforcement for probably 10+ years. I also believe my military past supports the argument of placing me at this stage. I also believe Stage 4: The ââ¬Å"Law and Orderâ⬠Orientation best describes me because it is essentially how I have lived my life the previous 10+ years. From joining the military to trying out for the SAPD I recognize there are procedures and guidelines established to keep the world and our country a safe place to live. Of course there are people that try the law and want to stretch it to the brink and this goes both for criminals and politicians that use laws and loopholes for personal gain. Providing support for my decision is simple. I have a tendency to instantly report or confront someone that is breaking or stretching the law. I have confronted three people living at my townhome complex about dogs being off of leashes while being outside. It is against complex policy and I have reported all three individuals simply because I feel like this is my neighborhood and when kids are outside playing I will always assume a dog is aggressive because terrible things do happen. I have a german shepherd that is never off the leash unless inside the dog park fence. Cleaning up after the animal is also our responsibility because diseases can be spread through an animalââ¬â¢s waste. That is also something I have confronted tenants about and reported them for. Krishnaââ¬â¢s advice is all about standing by your upbringing. I take it to mean that you must always follow your path regardless of the outcome or consequences. Therefore, Arjuna is a warrior at war, because of this he must always fight when directed to fight regardless of the consequences. Iââ¬â¢m not completely sure how you compare or relate Krishnaââ¬â¢s advice to care ethics because to me care ethics is not shown even in the slightest by Krishna. For me to say I would definitely fight the war would be wrong. For me to say that I would definitely withdraw would be wrong. Frankly, I have no clue how I would act or what I would do on the battlefield. I have been deployed and stationed in warzones but I had no relations or ties to the people we are at war with. Arjuna has friends and family standing on the same battlefield that may die during this conflict. This is not a factor I had to consider when being deployed. So, for me to say that I would fight or would not fight is not an answer I can straight up provide because I have never and will probably never be faced with that situation. Ethically, I donââ¬â¢t think I gave an answer that can be analyzed like it should be. I think that providing a run around answer may be a slight display of selfishness. I say that because I donââ¬â¢t know how to answer a question that involves going to war with family. I can say that if family is not included on the opposing side I would do what my country asked of me and go fight. In order to give a definite response to whether I could fight against family and friends I would have to be put in that situation. There are also consequences to not fighting when your country requests that you go to war. So, the consequences would also be going through my mind at judgment time. A virtue can be argued that the virtue is that person. For example I hold a virtue of cleanliness and honestly something that is out of place or something that is an eye sore will irritate me to the point of fixing the mess. Almost every day at work I notice something out of place such as a wrapper on the floor or stain on someoneââ¬â¢s desk. These examples bother me to the point of needing to resolve the problem. I believe a virtue can guide a person through their day-to-day life just like possessing morals. A strongly valued virtue is just as evident as someone with strong morals. Morals just like virtues can be practiced every day. However, we must practice virtuous acts regularly. After a while, these acts will become a habit and so the virtuous acts part of our everyday life and the person will be leading a life guided by his virtues. People who practice their virtues improve their skills and therefore become happier. According to Aristotle the person who struggles to acquire virtues is in the long run a better person and is much happier because of the extra hard work it took to acquire the virtue. By continuously practicing your respective virtues people will soon be acting in the right way based on the virtue the person is trying to master. I do not believe people are exclusively good or bad, but become good or bad according to their habits they develop throughout their lives. When a person learns how to use the virtues they become the characteristic of the person. A person who has learnt the virtue of generosity is often called a generous person because he or she acts in a manner that displays generosity in all situations. People are more likely to acquire virtues by observing others in our society. If we experience other people being kind to us and see the happiness it creates we are more likely to practice this virtue then if we were just told to practice it. Programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters help influence the younger generations so that they follow in the correct footsteps. Our virtues guide us to be the person we are and the person we ultimately want to be. Being virtuous can alter for the good, and the bad, a moral problem we may face throughout our lives. John Calvinââ¬â¢s work focused on individuals and how the individual could do nothing to ensure their own salvation. John Calvinââ¬â¢s line of thinking more closely relates to determinism. John relates to determinism because his theory is all about people not being able to freely guide their own salvation. Isaac Newton focused on nature and that the entire universe is governed by natural laws and because of this there is no freedom. Isaac Newtonââ¬â¢s line of thinking more closely relates to determinism. If the universe is governed by natural laws then the ability to be free cannot exist. Also the fact that human beings are physical in nature makes people susceptible to natural law and therefore freedom is an illusion. Charles Darwin was a big believer in evolution and that everything evolves at different stages and only the fittest survive. Charles Darwinââ¬â¢s line of thinking more closely relates to determinism. I believe determinism is present because nature causes the evolution based on defined parameters. This theory provokes survival which is triggered by something else such as a weakness that evolution fixes. Karl Marx believed more about social character and how our actions are determined based on the economy and socially determined. Karl Marxââ¬â¢s line of thinking more closely relates to determinism. This theory identifies a cause such as economic struggle being the reason for a personââ¬â¢s situation. Everything is based on social classes and your class is determined at birth. Sigmund Freud explains that people are determined, even the unborn because of our unconscious minds. Sigmund Freudââ¬â¢s line of thinking more closely relates to determinism. I say determinism because a life is extremely influenced by their parents so the ability to freely make choices does not exist. A choice is more often the result of someone elseââ¬â¢s influence. Lastly, Jean Paul Sartre to me is more of a realist because he discusses that people are born in to a situation and sometimes are unable to help their situation and social status. However, Jean Paul Sartre also believes people have a capacity to alter how they live. Jean Paul Sartreââ¬â¢s line of thinking more closely relates to freedom. After reading all these theories, I feel like Jean Paul Sartreââ¬â¢s theory is really the only theory that allows freedom of choices. Human beings from birth are placed in a class, but based on this theory all people have the ability to change their class or status. I believe justice is hard to pin-point because justice can be displayed in both ethically and unethically. Reliving an assignment I completed earlier talked about torture and whether or not I thought it was justified. I believe torture can stand on the same line as justice. However, I can also understand the opposite side saying torture is unethical no matter what form or fashion it is conducted. The elements of justice are open to interpretation and the consequence of justice is arguable. When implementing a form of justice there are always consequences to those actions. In order to fully understand the justice form you need to identify all angles of the decision. This is where the decision making becomes tricky because most people like to make a decision and run with it. However, you should always take a step back and weigh every possible decision and its outcome before implementing a decision. To better understand how a consequentialist works I will provide an example. For instance, if John Doe thought to himself one day that he was going to rob a bank he would most likely make a plan. First, John would try to decide if robbing the bank would even be worth it. Then John would scrutinize every aspect of the plan to ensure the best possible positive outcome. John would also attempt to predict the consequences of robbing the bank and failing because a consequentialist brings everything in to consideration. It is easy to identify the differences of right and wrong because everyone innately knows what is right and what is wrong. All human beings also have the ability to identify the consequence to our actions. Unfortunately people most generally act without thinking and therefore find themselves sitting on the wrong side of the law. This is when people find out how justice actually works.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Individual InvestigationÃÂ Essays
Individual Investigationà Essays Individual Investigationà Essay Individual Investigationà Essay Aim: The aim of this experiment is to answer the following question: What is the effect of temperature on the equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis of an ester? The reaction I aim to investigate is a reversible reaction where an ester (an organic compound with RCOOR group) is produced and. Esters are generally insoluble in water but are soluble in other solvents. Esters are formed in an esterification reaction where and carboxylic acid (RCOOH group) and an alcohol (ROH), react to form an ester. Below is the esterification reaction/ester hydrolysis reaction. Alcohol + Carboxylic acid Ester + Water The Equipment and apparatus I will be using in my investigation are as follows: * Safety Goggles * Test Tube x 5 * Test tube stoppers x 5 * Water Bath with thermostatic control * Test tube holder (suitable for use in water baths) * Burette * Clamp stand with clamp fixings * Safety Mat * Funnel * 250ml Beaker * 250ml Conical Flask * 10ml Measuring cylinder * Thermometer * White tile Safety goggles will be worn so that the risk of chemicals coming into contact with the eyes is lessened (see risk assessment). Test tubes are being used as the environment for the reaction to take place, they are glass so can be monitored and can be easily stored in a test tube holder in the water bath. Test tube stoppers will be used so that none of the water or ethanol can evaporate out of the tube, thus giving inaccurate results. Water baths will be used so that the temperature, can be maintained at different temperatures. Test tube holders will be used so that all the test tubes can be held safely without risk of tipping over. A burette will be used in the titration because it will less small amounts of liquid at a time, and also has an accurate scale up the side, so volumes will be easier to obtain. A Clamp stand will be used so that the burette is held in place above the solution of unknown concentration securely. A safety mat will be used so that any spillages will be kept off of the tables. A funnel will be used so that any pouring of liquids will be safer from the risk of spillage. Beakers of 250ml are used to contain liquid yet will have lips on them to aid pouring. Conical flasks will be used in the titration to stop any of the liquid hitting the side. A 10ml measuring cylinder will be used so that the reactants can be measured accurately. A thermometer will be used so that the temperature of the water bath can be verified. Risk assessment The chemicals I will be using are: * Hydrochloric acid (known concentration of 0.1moldm-3-150ml approx. * Sodium Hydroxide Solution (unknown concentration)- 150ml approx. * Sulphuric acid (unknown concentration)- 150ml approx. * Ethanol (95% concentration with 5% water)-500ml approx. * Ethanoic Acid (Glacial Acetic Acid 100%)-500ml approx. * Methyl Orange * Phenolphthalein The Hydrochloric acid I am using is corrosive, so if it comes into contact with skin it will burn. Therefore when I am transferring the chemical from the sealed jar to the burette, I will ensure that safety goggles are on; so that any spillage will not come into contact with the eyes. I will also ensure that I am using a funnel on the burette. This is so that spillages will be less likely. Also when cleaning I will make sure I am using excess water to clean anything where the acid has contacted because it may react violently with water in small quantities. Similarly the sulphuric acid I am using is corrosive, therefore I must be careful when adding it to the test tube in the reaction, to prevent overfilling and spillages. The Sodium Hydroxide I am using is also corrosive, so when pouring into beakers and the burette, I will use a funnel and wear safety glasses. The ethanol I am using is highly flammable so I will keep it away from any naked flames. It is also very toxic if ingested, therefore I must make sure that it will be kept well away from the face at all times. As the ethanol is used in the reaction it I will make sure it is measured out accurately and that no spillages take place. Ethanoic acid is its concentrated form is also corrosive and will cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin or eyes. There I will be wearing safety goggles when using this chemical to add to the test tube or when it is used in the titration. Phenolphthalein is very harmful even in small quantities, it causes water imbalance and is a strong laxative. Therefore this substance must be kept off of tables, hands or any equipment that is likely to be handled. When doing a acid-base titration, the reaction is exothermic so therefore I must make sure nobody touches the beaker when the two chemicals are mixing. Also the water baths will be set so that there is an element heating the water. This must not be touched as it can cause burns. Also the water may too hot to touch so, the water must be touched as little as possible. Another reason for not touching the water too much is that if water gets onto the floor there is a risk of people falling over; therefore this risk should be minimized Variables Although these do not affect the value of the reaction constant I will still aim to control some variables. The variables I am aiming to control are that of concentration and that of total pressure. As all reactants and products are in the liquid phase, keeping the total pressure constant will be just the atmospheric pressure. To control the variable of concentration I will measure accurately different reactants each time so that the same concentration and amounts will be obtained each experiment. I will also be controlling the chain length of the acid and alcohol I use in the reaction. If I change the chain length of the reactants different products are going to be produced and may affect the equilibrium constant of the reaction. For this reason I will use ethanol and ethanoic acid, as they are easily obtainable and they produce an ester that is also a colourless liquid. I will be varying temperature as feel this is feasible to do, by using a water bath. Also because concentration does not actually affect the value for Kc, it will just shift the equilibrium position, away from the part of the reaction with the highest concentrations. The temperature ranges I will be using for this experiment will be in divisions of five degrees Kelvin from 293K, 298K, 303K , 308K , 313K , 318K , 323K. In terms of degrees Celsius this equal to 20oC, 25oC, 30oC, 35oC, 40oC, 45oC, 50oC. I am using this range because I feel I will be able to notice a marked difference in the equilibrium constant. Also I do not want to use any value of temperature above 60oC as above this temperature ethanol will boil, and will be in the gaseous state, separated from this rest of the reaction (condensed on the sides of the test tube) and therefore unable to take part in it. Also if I go above 100oC then the water would boil and the water bath would then not be as effective at keeping temperature constant, as well as damaging the heating element. Other ways I will ensure that I will make my experiment fair, accurate and able to produce repeatable data will now be explained. ðŸâ¢â I will make sure that the water bath I am using is set to that temperature for about 15minutes before the experiment, so that the water is an even temperature throughout. ðŸâ¢â I will also store the chemicals that I will be using in the water bath so that the reaction starts at the desired temperature, and does not have to be raised to that temperature. ðŸâ¢â I will use sterilised equipment throughout so that there is no chance of contamination, as this could affect the reaction. ðŸâ¢â I will also use the same equipment all the way through to ensure that no other contaminants can enter the mixtures. After each experiment I will clean out all equipment with both distilled water and the substance that is to be placed in the equipment after cleaning. ðŸâ¢â I will always use the same initial volumes and concentration of the alcohol and carboxylic acid. This is so that the ðŸâ¢â I will also use the same amount of concentrated sulphuric acid catalyst for each experiment. This amount will be four drops from a small pipette. This is so that the overall concentration of acid will be easier to work out if the drops are constant. ðŸâ¢â When titrating my sample I will make sure I use the same concentration of sodium Hydroxide solution. This amount will be 0.4molsdm-3. This will be done so that the same concentration will be used in calculations throughout, my analysis, and will make the spotting of patterns easier, if the sodium Hydroxide solution is of the same concentration all the way through. ðŸâ¢â I will use the same amount of phenolphthalein in the sample to measure the colour. This amount will be 6 drops from a small pipette. This will be done because if different amounts were added there may be a colour change at a different point to when I expect one, so making the amount of indicator constant should eliminate this. ðŸâ¢â When moving the sample I take from the reaction vessel to be titrated I will move it quickly as possible so that the temperature will not go down, if it does then that would change the amount of acid and make the experiment inaccurate. I will help to maintain accuracy by placing the titration apparatus close to the water bath. I will also have the titration equipment already set up, so the titration could be done immediately. ðŸâ¢â I will also graph my results as I get them. This way I can make sure that any patterns can be spotted early and any errors in the investigation will be made clear at an early stage. The thing I will be measuring is the amount of Sodium Hydroxide solution it takes to neutralise. The point at which I know that the solution is neutralised is the point when the phenolphthalein changes colour from colourless to pink. In order to find out this I will use a conical flask on top of a white tile. The colour will be deemed changed when I can no longer shake away the pink colour. This will indicate there are excess hydroxyl ions present in the solution. These ions are present in the Sodium Hydroxide solution and when they come into contact with the hydrogen ions in the sample solution they perform this reaction: H+(aq)+ OH- (aq) H2O(l) The indicator I am using is called phenolphthalein and is a organic indicator which I am using because it changes colour strongly at pH 8. I am using it in a 1% alcoholic solution. In acidic conditions the lactone ring in the phenolphthalein molecule is closed and the solution it is in is colourless. However when all the hydrogen ions are reacted with hydroxyl ions, the phenolphthalein is still colourless, as the hydroxyl ions are used up initially. However when there is one drop more of alkali in the solution the solution turns pink, as there is now an excess of hydroxyl ions. This causes the lactone ring to open, yielding the triphenylcarbinol structure. This structure is red/pink colour.1. 2. From the measurement of Sodium Hydroxide solution I obtain I can work out the final values of the acid, alcohol , water and ester present in the solution. Because the reaction below only has one mole of each reactant/product involved the values of final concentration are easily worked out. Alcohol + Carboxylic acid Ester + Water The final value of acid is equal to the titre obtained, as the titre is the amount that is needed to neutralise the acid in the solution. The amount of alcohol at the end, is the same as the amount of acid as one mole of acid is reacted with one mole of alcohol. If I use 20cm3 initially of acid and alkali, then as the amount of water and ester must be the same, as they have the same Stoichiometric values. The amount of ester and water is equal to the initial amount of alcohol minus the final amount of alcohol, as everything that has reacted must be ester. Therefore if I get a titre of 12 cm3 then the concentration is as follows: Acid: 12 cm3 From this I can work out the value of which I am investigating; the equilibrium constant. The equilibrium constant is worked out with this equation: Kc = Concentration products Concentration reactants In the case of this investigation the value of the equilibrium constant is found by this equation: Kc = [Ester] [Water] [Acid][Alcohol] In order to find the concentration I must first find the moles of each chemical in the reaction and to find that I need to know the moles of acid obtained. In order to find the moles I must multiply the volume of titre I obtain by the concentration of the sodium hydroxide I am using. As the reaction of hydrogen ions with hydroxyl ions is one to one the moles of alkali used is the same as the moles of acid used if the reaction mixture is now neutral. As the concentration of alkali in this case is 0.4moldm-3 to find the moles of acid used I multiply 0.012(this value is in decimetres cubed) by 0.4 this gives the answer 0.0048. As one mole of acid reacts with one mole of alcohol the moles of alcohol must also be the same. In order to find the moles of water and ester formed I must find the difference between the initial moles of acid and the final moles of acid. This is because any substance that is not acid or alcohol must be ester and water, so must account for the difference between i nitial acid value and final value. If my initial acid titre after time = 0 is 25 cm3 then the initial acid volume is: 0.025 x 0.4 = 0.01moles Now the difference between 0.01 and 0.0048 is equal to is 0.0052. Therefore the moles of ester and water formed is 0.0052moles. Now I can use these values to work out the equilibrium constant. As the equilibrium constant is found from concentrations and concentration is equal to moles/volume it can be written in this form: [moles/volume]1 [mole/volume]2 [moles/volume] 3[moles/volume]4 As the volume is the same for all of the chemicals it is common to all terms in the equation. I can then therefore cancel it, so that the equilibrium constant can be worked out using just the moles of each chemical. In the case of the example I provided the equilibrium constant would be with the moles of ester and water on top divided by the product of acid and alcohol. 0.0052 x 0.0052 0.0048 x 0.0048 = 1.17 3 S.F. As you can see the equilibrium constant in this case has no units. This is because the values of the units on the top of the equation cancel out those on the bottom to make no units. Investigation method 1. Obtain all equipment and chemicals needed for the experiment as listed previously. 2. In order for me to start the investigation I must make up a solution of 1 moldm-3 Sodium Hydroxide solution. This is for the titrations I will do later on in the investigation. I will do this by dissolving one mole of Caustic soda crystals into one litre of distilled water. One mole of Sodium Hydroxide: Na = 23 O = 16 H = 1 Total = 40 Therefore I will dissolve 40g of sodium Hydroxide in one litre of distilled water. I will weigh the crystals on a balance and stir the solution vigorously. As the enthalpy of solvation of NaOH is quite high, initially the solution will get quite hot, therefore I must exercise care when handling it. I will then put a bung on the one litre volumetric flask for use later in the experiment. 3. Fill the water bath up with water, and set water bath to the desired temperature. In the case of my preliminary work I will set it to 20oC and 60oC. I will place a thermometer in the bath to make sure the correct temperature is reached. 4. I will then decant 200cm3 of glacial acetic acid and ethanol into conical flasks, so that I do not contaminate the stock bottles. I will make sure that all equipment is thoroughly cleaned with distilled water and the substance that it will be containing. 5. I will use a filling pipette with a 20cm3 filling tube to put ethanol into a boiling tube. Then add four drops of concentrated sulphuric acid into the boiling tubes. 6. Then measure out using the pipette 20cm3 of ethanoic acid into the boiling tube. 7. At the moment the reaction mixes take a 5cm3 sample of the reaction mixture to be titrated immediately to see how much acid there is initially. Then place boiling tube bungs on all five of the boiling tubes containing the mixture and shake vigorously. Then place all in the test tube rack in the water bath. 8. The titration involves putting 50cm3 of NaOH solution into a burette initially. I then place the sample of reaction in a conical flask upon a white tile. I then add 6 drops of phenolphthalein into the sample. I then take a measurement of the starting value of the burette, and turn the tap so that the NaOH mixes with the sample. I will allow the NaOH to run slowly so I can get exactly when the colour changes. I will then measure the final titre and find the amount of solution used in neutralising the acid. 9. Take a sample again of the reaction mixture after two days and repeat the titration. 10. Take a third sample of the reaction mixture after three days and repeat the titration. If the titre of the third is the same as the one done after two days the reaction has reached equilibrium and the third titre can be used as data for that temperature. 11. Repeat these steps for all repeats and temperatures. Preliminary results The table below shows the results obtained for three repeats at three temperature intervals: 25oC, 45 oC, 60 oC Experiment (after 3 days) Temperature (Celsius) Start cm3 End cm3 Titre Repeat 1 25 0 9.3 9.3 Repeat 2 25 9.3 19.0 9.7 Repeat 3 25 19 28.8 9.8 Average 9.6 Repeat 1 45 0 10.8 10.8 Repeat 2 45 10.8 20.9 10.1 Repeat 3 45 20.9 32.0 11.1 Average 10.7 Repeat 1 60 0 12 12 Repeat 2 60 12 22 11 Repeat 3 60 22 34.3 12.3 Average 11.8 From these results I can see that there is a general upward trend in the titre as temperature. This does not seem to be highly correlated, but is still a relationship that can be useful in making my prediction. However I feel there is room for improvement which I will explain more below. Modifications to Method From my preliminary results and observations I noticed some flaws that could affect my investigation if they are done in the real experiments. They are listed below with ways to change them and make the experiment more accurate. * One of the main flaws with my experiment is that when using a bunged boiling tube, I had to shake the mixture to homogenise it. The problem this caused is that after a while the reaction mixture turned an orange tint. This was because the H+ in the ethanoic acid reacted with the rubber bung causing it to mix with the reaction. The problem this caused was that some of the acid was used up in reacting with the rubber therefore the correct amount was not available to react with the alcohol. The way I have chosen to overcome this is by changing the equipment holding the reaction. I will use glass 30cm3 sample tubes with screw-in plastic tops. This will make sure that all of the acid is available to react with the alcohol in the reaction. * The second problem I found is that the titres I found were rather small. This means that the alkali solution I was using in the titration was too strong. This is because it had too many hydroxyl ions in a given volume, and therefore a small volume neutralised the acid. A way to combat this is to change the concentration of NaOH in the alkali solution. I will use 0.4 moldm-3. The benefit that this has is too make the titres larger and therefore easier to spot trends and patterns. * Another problem I found when using the water bath is that at 60oC, after 3days much of the water in the water bath had evaporated. This was a bad thing because it meant the water bath could not maintain the correct temperature for the reaction and it can damage the water bath. A modification I am making is to take out 60oC from my temperature range. I will then therefore make the temperature range 25oC to 50oC in 5oC intervals. This will make sure I have enough water to maintain the correct water bath temperature. A second addition I can make is to use polystyrene foam and place it on top of the water bath to stop the water evaporating at the higher temperatures. This is because the foam will absorb some of the water and make a layer on top of the water bath to stop evaporation. * Another thing I found when looking at my chemicals was that the ethanol I used was 5% methanol. This could damage the experiment as the differing chain length could give rise to a different value for the Equilibrium constant than what I should actually get. A way to overcome this is too use an alcohol in a more pure form. Therefore I shall use propan-1-ol. This is bottled in near pure form so I believe it is more suitable for my investigation. Therefor the reaction will now be: Propan-1-ol + Ethanoic Acid Water + Propyl Ethanoate CH3CH2CH2OH + CH3COOH H2O + CH3CH2CH2COOCH3 * The last modification I will make to my investigation will be to change the amount of sample I take. I will take 1cm3 instead of 5cm3. This is because I will take 3 samples of each reaction, and I think a smaller sample will produce a titre that is under 50cm3. Final Method 1.Obtain all equipment and chemicals needed for the experiment as listed previously. 2.In order for me to start the investigation I must make up a solution of 1 moldm-3 Sodium Hydroxide solution. This is for the titrations I will do later on in the investigation. I will do this by dissolving one mole of Caustic soda crystals into one litre of distilled water. One mole of Sodium Hydroxide: Na = 23 O = 16 H = 1 Total = 40 x 0.4 moles = 16g Therefore I will dissolve 16g of sodium Hydroxide in one litre of distilled water. I will weigh the crystals on a balance and stir the solution vigorously. As the enthalpy of solvation of NaOH is quite high, initially the solution will get quite hot, therefore I must exercise care when handling it. I will then put a bung on the one litre volumetric flask for use later in the experiment. 3.Fill the water bath up with water and set water bath to the desired temperature. In this case I will set it to 25oC, 30oC, 35oC, 40oC, 45oC and 50oC. I will place a thermometer in the bath to make sure the correct temperature is reached. 4. I will then decant 200cm3 of glacial acetic acid and propan-1-ol into conical flasks, so that I do not contaminate the stock bottles. I will make sure that all equipment is thoroughly cleaned with distilled water and the substance that it will be containing. 5. I will use a filling pipette with a 20cm3 filling tube to put ethanol into a sample tube. Then add four drops of concentrated sulphuric acid into the sample tubes. Then measure out using the pipette 20cm3 of ethanoic acid into the sample tube 6. At the moment the reaction mixes take a 1cm3 sample of the reaction mixture to be titrated immediately to see how much acid there is initially. Then place sample tube lids on all five of the tubes containing the mixture and shake vigorously. Then place all directly into the water bath to make sure the sample tube is almost fully submerged. 7. The titration involves putting 50cm3 of NaOH solution into a burette initially. I then place the sample of reaction in a conical flask upon a white tile. I then add 6 drops of phenolphthalein into the sample. I then take a measurement of the starting value of the burette, and turn the tap so that the NaOH mixes with the sample. I will allow the NaOH to run slowly so I can discover exactly when the colour changes. I will then measure the final titre and find the amount of solution used in neutralising the acid. 8. Take a sample again of the reaction mixture after two days and repeat the titration. 9. Take a third sample of the reaction mixture after three days and repeat the titration. If the titre of the third is the same as the one done after two days the reaction has reached equilibrium and the third titre can be used as data for that temperature. 10. Repeat these steps for all repeats and temperatures The esterification reaction that I am performing is a rather slow reaction, therefore an acid catalyst is needed to make the reaction faster. Even with this catalyst the reaction still takes at least three days to reach equilibrium. Equilibrium is reached when the rate of the reaction going forwards is the same as the rate of reaction going backwards. All reactions are in a sense an equilibrium reaction, however some reactions have a small value for enthalpy change of reaction, so the reaction is possible to go in either direction. Another form of this reaction exists where the ester reacts with hydroxyl ions to form an alcohol and the carboxylic acids conjugate base. This reaction goes to completion however the ion produced is not easily measured so this reaction is preferred. Another way to get the reaction to reach equilibrium faster would be to reflux the mixture. However I can not do this as when the mixture cools down the equilibrium would shift again making the heating pointle ss. In the first step, the ethanoic acid takes a proton (a hydrogen ion) from the concentrated sulphuric acid. The proton becomes attached to one of the lone pairs on the oxygen that is double-bonded to the carbon. N.B. curly arrows in some diagrams represent the movement of one or a pair of electrons.4. It is quite misleading to show the positive charge just on the oxygen, because is actual fact the charge is delocalised over the entire double bond with the carbon. Therefore it is more accurate to show the molecules like this: These two structures are not complete representations of the ion as it can occurs in both ways. In this case they are resonant hybrids as both can be used to contribute to the actual structure. The positive charge of the ion attracts the lone pair of electrons on the ethanol and the ethanol gives up its lone pair of electrons to bond to the ion. From this ion a proton is removed from the bottom oxygen and placed onto the next oxygen up. This is not a direct transfer, first the proton is taken in by an unreacted ethanol on its lone pair of electrons, and then it acts as an intermediate to transfer the proton onto the middle oxygen. The overall proton transfer is shown below. Now a water molecule is lost from the ion From this ion the positive charge is now still spread over the carbon. The last hydrogen on the ion is removed by the hydrogensulphate ion that was created at the beginning from the sulphuric acid. Therefore the ester is made along with water and the sulphuric acid is not used up in the reaction, so is the catalyst. The hydrolysis of the ester is the reverse reaction, and will be sped up by the same amount with the use of sulphuric acid. Therefore the catalyst will not actually change the equilibrium constant, it will just help the reaction get to equilibrium quicker. The actual catalyst in this case is the hydroxonium ion (H3O+). The hydrolysis is started by the lone pair of electrons on the oxygen in the carbon-oxygen double bond accepts a proton from the hydroxonium ion. Once again the positive charge is delocalised throughout the double bond and can by draw in a number of resonance hybrids. The lone pair of electrons on the water molecule then attacks the positive charge on this carbon Now a proton on the bottom oxygen is transferred to another lone pair on a water molecule and is eventually placed on the middle oxygen. Now one of the products of the reaction, ethanol is removed from the ion. With the charge spread across the carbon a proton is removed from the ion and placed on a water molecule, restoring the hydroxonium ion, and producing ethanoic acid. In order to find out what way the equilibrium shifts when the temperature changes it is useful to consider Le Chatliers principle. This states that Whatever constraint is placed on a system, the system will move to oppose the change. This change can be adding more of one of the reactants, or changing the temperature or pressure of the system. Initially as there is no ester or water the system will move to produce more ester and water. In the case of temperature, if the temperature increases the system will move to remove the heat. This means that the system will make the two products that cause heat to be removed from the system. The way of the reaction that takes in heat is the endothermic root. To ascertain which way is endothermic I must draw an enthalpy cycle. An enthalpy cycle can be used to find out what the enthalpy change of reaction is by knowing what the enthalpy change of formation of all the reactants and products are. Hesss Law states that the enthalpy change of a react ion will be the same regardless of the intermediate steps taken. The enthalpy change of formation is the change in enthalpy when one mole of a molecule is formed from its component elements in their standard states and under standard conditions i.e. room temperature 298K and 1atm pressure. The enthalpy change of formation of each chemical is shown below: Water -285.8kJmol-1 Ethanoic Acid -484.5 kJmol-1 Propan-1-ol -302.7 kJmol-1 Propyl Ethanoate -502.7 kJmol-1 5. Notice that all these values are negative this means that energy is given out into the system as energy is given out when bonds are made This is the enthalpy cycle for my reaction: ?Hr? CH3COOH + CH3CH2CH2OH H2O + CH3COOCH2CH2CH3 (-484.5 +-302.7) (-285.8 + -502.7) 5C(s) + 3/2O2(g) + 6H2(g) In order to find the enthalpy change of reaction I must follow the arrows to get to the ester and water. Firstly as I start by going down the first arrow I must take the negative value of it. -484.5 302.7 = -787.2 This value becomes +787.2 as I am going against this arrow. I then add the sum of the esters and waters enthalpy changes of formation to get the enthalpy change of reaction. -285.8 + -502.7 = -788.5 787.2 788.5 = -1.3 kJmol-1 From this I can show that the reaction is exothermic going in the direction of making ester and water. As this value is small it also fits in that this reaction is an equilibrium reaction. From this I can now make a prediction. As an increase in temperature forces the equilibrium to shift to remove heat energy, and the reaction root that is endothermic (removing heat) is making acid and alcohol from ester and water, I predict that as I increase temperature the more acid and alcohol is produced. In terms of the value of Kc I predict that this value decreases as I increase temperature. This is because if more acid is produced it means less ester and water is produced; and as the value for Kc is found by the product concentration divided by reactant concentration, more reactant means lower Kc. 1. Vogels textbook of quantitative chemical analysis 4. 5. Below is a list of the main areas of chemistry in my investigation and where they occur in the course. Area Of Investigation Area of Chemistry AS/A2 Enthalpy Cycles Developing Fuels AS Hydrolysis of Esters Whats in a Medicine? AS Acid-Base titrations Whats in a Medicine? AS Equilibrium Constant Engineering Proteins A2 Results Tables The table below shows the readings at each temperature, proving that the reaction has reached equilibrium. The readings for each of the temperatures are taken after one day two three and four. If the third and forth reading are the same then the rate of reaction going forward is the same as the rate of reaction going backwards so there is no net change in the amounts of reactants/products. Temperature (Celsius) Start reading (cm3) End reading (cm3) Titre(cm3) Moles of acid Initial Reading 25 0 22.5 22.5 0.00900 Second Reading 25 0 15.7 15.7 0.00628 Third Reading 25 0 9.9 9.9 0.00396 Final Reading 25 0 9.9 9.9 0.00396 Temperature (OC) Start reading (cm3) End reading (cm3) Titre (cm3) Moles of acid Initial reading 30 0 22.5 22.5 0.00900 Second reading 30 22.5 37.7 15.2 0.00608 Third reading 30 37.7 47.8 10.1 0.00404 Final Reading 30 0 10.1 10.1 0.00404 Initial reading 35 0 22.5 22.5 0.00900 Second reading 35 22.6 37.9 15.3 0.00612 Third reading 35 0 12.3 12.3 0.00412 Forth Reading 35 0 10.3 10.3 0.00412 Final Reading 35 0 10.3 10.3 0.00412 Initial reading 40 0 22.4 22.5 0.00900 Second reading 40 22.4 37.5 15.1 0.00604 Third reading 40 37.5 48.0 10.5 0.00420 Final Reading 40 0 10.5 10.5 0.00420 Initial reading 45 0 22.5 22.5 0.00900 Second reading 45 22.3 37.2 14.9 0.00596 Third reading 45 37.2 47.9 10.7 0.00428 Final Reading 45 0 10.7 10.7 0.00428 Initial reading 50 0 22.5 22.5 0.00900 Second reading 50 22.5 37.5 15.0 0.00600 Third reading 50 37.5 48.4 10.9 0.00436 Final Reading 50 0 10.9 10.9 0.00436 N.B the Results highlighted in red shows that the reaction did not reach equilibrium as fast as all of the others. Although this did not affect the results obtained, it will still be accounted for later on in the evaluation section. Below shows graphs for all of the temperatures showing time from the beginning of reaction to the reaching of equilibrium. The table of results shows all of the repeats I did for all of the temperature ranges. It also shows that moles of acid in the sample. Temperature (degrees Celsius) Beginning measurement End measurement Titre Amount of Acid Moles of Acid 25 0 9.8 9.8 9.8 0.00392 25 9.8 19.7 9.9 9.9 0.00396 25 19.7 29.5 9.8 9.8 0.00392 25 29.5 39.4 9.9 9.9 0.00396 25 0 9.8 9.9 9.9 0.00396 Average titre 9.9 9.9 0.00396 30 0 10.1 10.1 10.1 0.00404 30 10.1 20.2 10.1 10.1 0.00404 30 20.2 30.3 10.1 10.1 0.00404 30 30.3 40.4 10.1 10.1 0.00404 30 0 10.1 10.1 10.1 0.00404 Average titre 10.1 10.1 0.00404 35 0 10.3 10.3 10.3 0.00412 35 10.3 20.6 10.3 10.3 0.00412 35 20.6 30.9 10.3 10.3 0.00412 35 30.9 41.2 10.3 10.3 0.00412 35 0 10.3 10.3 10.3 0.00412 Average Titre 10.3 10.3 0.00412 40 0 10.4 10.4 10.4 0.00416 40 10.4 10.9 10.5 10.5 0.0042 40 20.9 31.5 10.6 10.6 0.00424 40 31.5 42 10.5 10.5 0.0042 40 0 10.5 10.5 10.5 0.0042 Average Titre 10.5 10.5 0.0042 45 0 10.7 10.7 10.7 0.00428 45 10.7 21.4 10.7 10.7 0.00428 45 21.4 32.1 10.7 10.7 0.00428 45 32.1 42.8 10.7 10.7 0.00428 45 0 10.7 10.7 10.7 0.00428 Average titre 10.7 10.7 0.00428 50 0 7.6 7.6 7.6 0.00304 50 7.6 18.6 11 11 0.0044 50 18.6 29.5 10.9 10.9 0.00436 50 29.5 40.4 10.9 10.9 0.00436 50 0 10.9 10.9 10.9 0.00436 N.b.Anaomalous result ignored Average titre 10.9 10.9 0.00436 Analysis of results Now for each repeat for each temperature I will work out the moles of each in the reaction, and hence the equilibrium constant for each repeat. 25oC- Repeat 1 Titre initial = 22.5cm Initial moles = volume x concentration of alkali Initial Moles of acid = 0.00900 Volume of Ethanoic acid in 1cm3 at the end = 9.8 Final moles = volume of acid x concentration of alkali Final moles of acid = 0.00392 As one mole of acid reacts with one mole of alcohol then the amount of alcohol must be the same. Final moles of Propan-1-ol = 0.00392 Final moles of Propyl Ethanoate equals difference between initial acid moles and final acid moles. 0.00900 0.00392 = 0.00508 As one mole of Ester makes one mole of water then the moles of water must be exactly the same as that of ester. From these values the value of the equilibrium constant can be worked out: Kc = 0.00508 x 0.00508 0.00392 x 0.00392 = 1.68 3 S.F. Applying this same method to all my other data I will now produce a table showing each repeat and the equilibrium constant of that experiment. I have recorded this table because I feel it makes it easier for me to draw a graph of the equilibrium constant against the temperature. Temperature (degrees Celsius) Initial Moles of Acid Moles of Acid Equilibrium Constant 25 0.00900 0.00392 1.68 25 0.00900 0.00396 1.62 25 0.00900 0.00392 1.68 25 0.00900 0.00396 1.62 25 0.00900 0.00396 1.62 Average 0.00900 0.00396 1.62 30 0.00900 0.00404 1.51 30 0.00900 0.00404 1.51 30 0.00900 0.00404 1.51 30 0.00900 0.00404 1.51 30 0.00900 0.00404 1.51 Average 0.00900 0.00404 1.51 35 0.00900 0.00412 1.40 35 0.00900 0.00412 1.40 35 0.00900 0.00412 1.40 35 0.00900 0.00412 1.40 35 0.00900 0.00412 1.40 Average 0.00900 0.00412 1.40 40 0.00900 0.00416 1.35 40 0.00900 0.0042 1.31 40 0.00900 0.00424 1.26 40 0.00900 0.0042 1.31 40 0.00900 0.0042 1.31 Average 0.00900 0.0042 1.31 45 0.00900 0.00428 1.22 45 0.00900 0.00428 1.22 45 0.00900 0.00428 1.22 45 0.00900 0.00428 1.22 45 0.00900 0.00428 1.22 Average 0.00900 0.00428 1.22 50 0.00900 0.00304 3.84 50 0.00900 0.0044 1.09 50 0.00900 0.00436 1.13 50 0.00900 0.00436 1.13 50 0.00900 0.00436 1.13 Average 0.00900 0.00436 1.13 Anomalous Result is ignored From this graph I can deduce that as the Temperature increased the value of Kc decreases. As I said this in my prediction, it goes some way to proving that my prediction was at least to some extent correct. Another conclusion I can draw from my graphs is that as the temperature increased the equilibrium constant changed exponentially. This is because on the graph it shows a slight curve. The reason for this is that as the temperature rises the reaction favours the production of the reactants. Therefore as the reactants increase the products decrease so the equilibrium constant goes down. There is a constant fractional change in the value of Kc as the temperature increases. The reason that the reaction favours the production of the reactants, ethanoic acid and propan-1-ol is because this direction of reaction takes in energy, i.e. its energy level is higher than the products that it makes. As the temperature increases the system tries to remove the extra heat energy being put in. The way it does this is by making the reaction that removes heat energy go faster. Therefore the reaction constant goes down..
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